Evento: “Entre Nosotros” Iniciativa para el desarrollo del sector electrónico en Uruguay


MIEM DINAPYME, junto a IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) y MIEM DNI invitan al evento “Entre Nosotros” Iniciativa para el desarrollo del sector electrónico en Uruguay a realizarse el jueves 29 de marzo a las 16.30hs en el Club del Expositor – LATU.

Esta iniciativa da comienzo a una serie de actividades que el Ministerio de Industria, Energía y Minería (MIEM) en conjunto con la IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) están llevando adelante para fomentar el desarrollo del sector electrónico en Uruguay. La misma se enmarca dentro de la política implementada por el Gabinete Productivo desde el año 2008, con el objetivo de lograr una mayor diversificación de la estructura productiva de nuestro país. La electrónica se encuentra comprendida dentro de los sectores intensivos en conocimiento que el gobierno seleccionó como prioritarios por su potencial dinamismo económico y su capacidad de derrame al resto de la economía.

Este evento propicia el encuentro de los diferentes actores del sector electrónico (empresas, profesionales y academia) para que compartan sus experiencias, intereses y problemáticas. Así mismo, tendremos la oportunidad de dialogar con referentes del sector de primera línea a nivel regional y mundial.

16:30 horas
Presentación de evento: Pablo Villar, Director de DINAPYME, MIEM

16:45 horas
Marcel Keschner, Director del comité para la promoción de la Industria de electro-tecnología en América Latina del IEEE, explicará la visión de esta institución sobre esta iniciativa.

17:00 horas
Intercambio Informal entre los presentes.
Se proveerán mesas para que cada empresa o profesional que así lo desee pueda exponer material impreso o una presentación en un notebook.

17:45 horas. Café

18:00 horas
Experiencias regionales exitosas
-Dr. Sergio Bampi: Global Industry trends on Microelectronics and the Role of Design in the Mercosur and Latin American Region
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)
Web: http://br.linkedin.com/pub/sergio-bampi/1/a7a/403
29 de Marzo del 2012 Laboratorio Tecnológico del Uruguay (LATU) Montevideo
-Victor Grimblatt: Experiencia Synopsys. Santiago- Chile
-Gerardo Monreal: Experiencia Allegro Microsystems Argentina- Buenos Aires Argentina
Video Conferencia

Web: http://ar.linkedin.com/pub/dir/Gerardo/Monreal

19:00 horas
Videoconferencia (en Inglés con traducción simultánea) con Dr. Kam y David Frazee
– Dr. Moshe Kam – IEEE Las necesidades de recursos humanos calificados: estrategias posibles.
– David Frazee – K&L GATES Desarrollo de compañías tecnológicas en países emergentes: estrategias posibles

19:30 horas
Intercambio de ideas (con Agenda)
Datos biográficos de los expositores

– Dr. Sergio Bampi
Sergio Bampi received the B.Sc in Electronics and the B.Sc. in Physics from the Federal Univ. of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS, 1979), and the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from Stanford University in 1986. He is now a professor at the Informatics Institute at UFRGS University and a Distinguished Lecturer (2009-10) of IEEE Circuits and Systems Society. He served as the Technical Director of the Microelectronics Center CEITEC in Brazil. Sergio Bampi is a Ph.D advisor and project leader in the Microelectronics and Computer Science Programs, and his research interests are in the area of IC design and modeling, nano-CMOS devices, mixed signal and RF CMOS design, low power digital design, dedicated complex architectures and ASICs for image and video processing. He has co-authored more than 150 papers in these fields and in MOS devices, circuits, technology and CAD. Sergio Bampi was the President of the Research Funding agency FAPERGS in Brazil. President of the Brazilian Microelectronics Society (2002-2004), and Coordinator of the Graduate Program on Microelectronics at Federal University UFRGS (2003-2007)

-Victor Grimblatt
Victor has a Microelectronic Engineering degree from the Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble (France) and an Electronics Engineer degree from Universidad Santa Maria (Valparaiso, Chile). He has more than 20 years of experience in the electronics and information technology industry working in several international companies such as VLSI technology Inc, Compass design Automation Inc, Honeywell Bull, Motorola and Synopsys Inc. in France, USA, and Chile. He is now managing an R&D Center Synopsys opens in Chile. He is also professor at Universidad de Chile and Universidad de los Andes where he lecture courses related to Digital Systems, Computer Architecture, Integrated Circuit Design, and Embedded Systems.
Extended biography: http://cl.linkedin.com/pub/victor-grimblatt/2/aa6/4b2

– Gerardo Monreal
Gerardo has an electronics degree from the University of Buenos Aires. He is a manager and Senior IC designer at Allegro Microsystems. Managing a 20 people Integrated Circuit Design center in Buenos Aires (Argentina). With 8 IC Mixed Mode Design, 8 IC Synth and Analog Layout and 4 Product Eval engineers, ALLEGRO MICROSYSTEMS ARGENTINA develops products for the Sensors Business Unit of ALLEGRO INC. Established in 2001, it has completed at total of 52 products.

Extended biography: http://ar.linkedin.com/pub/gerardo-monreal/6/b62/1a7

– Dr. Moshe Kam
Moshe Kam (Ph.D., P.E.) is the Department Head and Robert Quinn Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Drexel University. He also serves as Director of the Drexel University National Security Agency (NSA) Center for Excellence in Information Assurance Education, and as Director of the Data Fusion Laboratory.

Kam's professional interests are in wireless communications, robotics and navigation, detection and estimation, engineering education, and pattern recognition. He served as Principal Investigator on projects funded by the US National Science Foundation (NSF), DARPA, ONR, NSWC, The US Army-CERDEC, The US Army-TSWG, Lockheed Martin, GlaxoSmithKline, and the National Institute of Justice (NIJ). Educated in Tel Aviv (B.Sc. in Electrical and Electronics Engineering 1977) and Drexel University (M.S. 1985, Ph.D. 1987), Kam is a Fellow of IEEE "for contributions to the theory of decision fusion and distributed detection" (2001). He is also a recipient of an IEEE Third Millennium Medal. He received a National Science Foundation Presidential Young Investigator Award (1990) and is a Licensed Professional Engineer registered in the State of Pennsylvania.. Among other positions in IEEE, Dr Kam has been director of Region 2 ( 2001-2002), vice-president of educational activities ( 2008-2009) and President of CEO of IEEE (2011).

Kam's main extracurricular activity is as a Second Bass singer. He used to sing (1992-1999) with the Choral Arts Society of Philadelphia. Since 1999 he has been with the Mendelssohn Club of Philadelphia

Extended biography: http://moshekam.org/biography/Biographical_Sketch.pdf

– David Frazee
Is a lawyer specialized in innovative technology and life science companies, entrepreneurs, and funds, helping them to succeed through the creation and execution of comprehensive international corporate, business, and intellectual property strategies. He shares with his clients a real-world understanding of the unique business problems of emerging growth companies, having served as a former general counsel of two technology start-ups — one of which he led through its IPO.

Extended biography: http://www.klgates.com/david-i-frazee/

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